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 Folkish Odinism                      Dorset

Odinism is the natural, spiritual and cultural expression for European folk that gives vitality to every aspect of daily life. Email here or msg us on facebook if you live near Dorset and would like to come to one of our blots.

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Mannaz Rune

I was asked which tattoo I would choose, if I wanted to represent our folk and our relationship to our Gods. Straight away, the Mannaz...


Norns of Fate make a prophecy for the legendary hero Helgi Hundingsbani; Night fell on the estate, then came the Norns Those who shaped...

A charm to treat eye disease

A charm to treat eye disease, recorded among the Volga Germans and translated into English by German Language Professor Karin James at...

The Sword of Freyr.

Ingvi Freyr is famous for giving his sword away in later times as noted in the Poetic Edda during the viking age. His sword, often called...

A cure for Elfshot

If you need to be cured of Elf shot this might help. Kormak's Saga reads: "A hill there is," answered she, "not far away from here, where...


Whenever I see an article about the great Scythian people I find myself wanting to remove the PC twaddle and rewrite it. So I did: The...

The 9 Herbs Charm.

The 9 Herbs Charm. The charm is recorded in the tenth century Lacnunga (remedies) manuscript which is now kept in the British Museum. The...

A 5th-century fight on a Wessex shore

A 5th-century fight on a Wessex shore Wearing my wulfskin from my father’s grave At the battlefield edge, I stood Mine ancestor’s battle...

Othala Rune

Continuing with my thoughts on some of the symbols that are important to Odinists. ********The Othala Rune********* 'Estate is very dear...

Merseburger Charms

The Merseburger charms are two incantations in old High German written down in the 10th century. Incantation 1 The first spell is an...

why was dragon imagery used on flags

I saw this interesting version of the house of Wessex flag. Historians are saying that this type of serpent style dragon was more common...

The First king

Mannus is considered the "First German King". Or the First Noble King among men. In 1ad Tacitus wrote that Mannus was the son of Tuisto...


I've read a few theories about Heimdall. Little of his story has survived the ages. The following text is in parts objective and in parts...

Pre xtian baptism

This week I was asked by a new member of our hearth if there are any kind of Odinist baptisms for children or for people converting back...

Prayer to Freya

A prayer to Freya given to me by a friend (author unknown) Hail Freyja, Vanadis, I dream of my devotion to you, Under your falcon wings...

The Finnsburg Fragment

One poem that gives an especially vivid and action-oriented image of Anglo-Saxon warfare, is the Finnsburg Fragment. As its name...

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