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 Folkish Odinism                      Dorset

Odinism is the natural, spiritual and cultural expression for European folk that gives vitality to every aspect of daily life. Email here or msg us on facebook if you live near Dorset and would like to come to one of our blots.

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Ing, God of the English

All English folk should remember and be taught of Ing, the God of the English. So beloved, that even the name of his day of the week...


What are trolls? The 2nd of the 3 levels of spirit is called Fylgia in Old Norse. It manifests in a mastery of skills and ability through...


WHO LIVES IN THE HOLLOW HILLS? Whilst everyone seems to be excited about the new lord of the rings tv show and November is just around...

Developing a Culture of Honour

“That counsel I tenth, that thou trust never oath of an outlaw’s son;” A lot of people take this quote from the Havamal at face value. It...

The Seax & Honour

**** Something every Odinist should have***** The attached picture is a Seax knife engraved with runes. **** Our ancestors wouldn't leave...


They searched and fought their whole lives for an opponent good enough to kill them so they could die a glorious death and be chosen for...

Odinists and Nature

I was told today that Odinists are a bunch of tree huggers........... Well, I don't think I've actually hugged a tree but I do like them!...

Moral code

The moral code of the Odinic Rite is codified in those excerpts from the ‘Havamàl,’ which we know as ‘The Nine Virtues’ and the ‘Nine...

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