This list can give us some great clues as to what we 'should' be doing.
This was a list written around the end of the 8th century in modern day Germany. The writer is currently unknown but there are suspicions that a Dutch missionary called Liudger is the actual author.
This list contains 30 heathen/pagan practices that should not be practiced by a Christian. I am glad the Christians decided to write this down because it gives us an unique insight into the pagan religion of the Saxons and Frisians since there is so little archeological evidence left. It also contains one of the oldest known Dutch words
Here are the following 30 items that are on the list:
1. De sacrilegio ad sepulchra mortuorum
Sacrilege at the graves of the dead
2. De sacrilegio super defunctos id est dadsisas.
Sacrilege on top of the dead (the so called death meal)
3. De spurcalibus in Februario
The pagan feast in Februari
4. De casulis id est fanis
Small houses/huts dedicated to the Gods
5. De sacrilegiis per aecclesias
Sacriliges in churches
6. De sacris siluarum quae nimidas vocant
The sacred trees in the woods which they called Nimidas
7. De hiis quae faciunt super petras
The certain things pagan do on top of rocks
8. De sacris Mercurii, vel Iovis
Sacrifices to Wodan or Donar
9. De sacrificio quod fit alicui sanctorum
The rites for other saints
10. De filacteriis et ligaturis
Amulets and bindings
11. De fontibus sacrificiorum
Sacrifices at wells/springs
12. De incantationibus
The practice of Galdr
13. De auguriis vel avium vel equorum vel bovum stercora vel sternutationes
The practice of divination (Spá) with dung from birds, horses or other farm animals
14. De divinis vel sortilogis
Practice of divination with the runes
15. De igne fricato de ligno id est nodfyr
The practice of nodfyr (old Dutch for Noodvuur which basically means emergency fire)
16. De cerebro animalium
Brains of animals
17. De observatione pagana in foco, vel in inchoatione rei alicuius
Pagan premonitions seen in fire when they start something new
18. De incertis locis que colunt pro sacris
Sacred places in nature (like nemetons)
19. De petendo quod boni vocant sanctae Mariae
The call of a saint who is seen as the holy Mary
20. De feriis quae faciunt Jovi vel Mercurio
The feasts held in honour for Wodan or Donar
21. De lunae defectione, quod dicunt Vinceluna
The lunar eclipse called Vinceluna
22. De tempestatibus et cornibus et cocleis
On storms, the horns of cattle and snails (I have no idea what kind of practice this has been)
23. De sulcis circa villas
The grooves surrounding houses to ward off evil spirits.
24. De pagano cursu quem yrias nominant, scissis pannis vel calciamentis
The pagan run that they called the Yria
25. De eo, quod sibi sanctos fingunt quoslibet mortuos
Making a beloved dead into a saint,probably linked to ancestor worship
26. De simulacro de consparsa farina
The harvest dolls per example leaving behind a doll on a field in the shape of a man to thank Frey for the good harvest.
27. De simulacris de pannis factis
Statues made out of rags
28. De simulacro quod per campos portant
Carrying statues of the Gods over farm fields, this practice has also been described by Tacitus
29. De ligneis pedibus vel manibus pagano ritu
On wooden feet and hands made in a pagan ritual (No idea what kind of practice this could have been either)
30. De eo, quod credunt, quia femine lunam comendet, quod possint corda hominum tollere juxta paganos
Basically women who practice of seidr
