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 Folkish Odinism                      Dorset

Odinism is the natural, spiritual and cultural expression for European folk that gives vitality to every aspect of daily life. Email here or msg us on facebook if you live near Dorset and would like to come to one of our blots.

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Ing, God of the English

All English folk should remember and be taught of Ing, the God of the English. So beloved, that even the name of his day of the week...


What are trolls? The 2nd of the 3 levels of spirit is called Fylgia in Old Norse. It manifests in a mastery of skills and ability through...


WHO LIVES IN THE HOLLOW HILLS? Whilst everyone seems to be excited about the new lord of the rings tv show and November is just around...

megalith Stones in England used by Odinists

I just had a strange msg from a lady who wiccasplained to me that she was confused as to why I keep sharing pictures of stone circles and...

Thor in England.

Before the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons Þunor was one of the most popular gods, based on place name evidence e.g. Thurstable (hundred),...

Old English Godpoles & Sacred Trees

Sacred trees and groves are often referenced in Old English place-names. Blair 2005, p. 50. suggested that the use of the Old English...

The Sun Cross a Sacred European symbol

Historians will note that xtians didn't use the cross for the first hundred years when their faith was brought to Europe. They started...

Thought for the day.

Odinism - a thought for the day A big part of Odinism is that we look to the natural order for inspiration as to how we might live our...

The 9 Herbs Charm.

The 9 Herbs Charm. The charm is recorded in the tenth century Lacnunga (remedies) manuscript which is now kept in the British Museum. The...

why was dragon imagery used on flags

I saw this interesting version of the house of Wessex flag. Historians are saying that this type of serpent style dragon was more common...

Connections between the main tribes of Europe

I was told by a universalist fake heathen that I am a hypocrite for allowing Slavic people to join us for blot. He was basically having a...

The First king

Mannus is considered the "First German King". Or the First Noble King among men. In 1ad Tacitus wrote that Mannus was the son of Tuisto...


I've read a few theories about Heimdall. Little of his story has survived the ages. The following text is in parts objective and in parts...

Pre xtian baptism

This week I was asked by a new member of our hearth if there are any kind of Odinist baptisms for children or for people converting back...

Reading list

Before studying consider the following; The word religion comes from the Latin ligare: to join, or link. It is that science, and way of...

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