I was talking with some friends today and we pondered upon how we as a people can walk a path that is more in balance with the natural order as the Gods would have us do. Several topics came up but one interesting issue was discussed that we hardly hear about any more - 'Eugenics'.
One of our group was a teenager and she had never even heard of the word 'Eugenics' before....... Let us dispel some myths regarding this subject which has become taboo for some strange reason.
There are 2 ways a society can move forward through time; 1. Eugenically. 2. Disgenically. (No grey areas, no option 3!
1. 'Eugenically' = maintain or improve upon the present level of genetic stability among the majority of the population. (Basically we 'evolve' as a people!)
2. 'Disgenically' = levels of genetic stability among the majority of the population falls (basically we 'devolve' as a people!)
Both of these can be measured scientifically and objectively. Markers to be measured might include;
***Number of diseases passed from parents to children genetically, e.g. diabetes, heart disease etc.
***Average IQ among the majority
***Number of babies born with disabilities be they physical or mental.
***Number of cot deaths
***Number of women who would die in child birth without medical aid.
***Number of people choosing or being born into degenerate lifestyles....
***Number of people with genetically disposed behaviour patters like the need for instant or faster satisfaction (right now) from life rather than willing to work and wait for good things at a higher level later when you have built them / worked at them to make them better. (you might see more rape or food that's instantly available might be consumed even if it would be healthier to look harder and find better food) etc.
***Life expectancy.
***Unaided fertility.
***Genetically disposed behaviour patterns e.g. more or less likely to commit certain crimes. E.g. if you hang everyone who commits murder for a 1000 years and these people are taken out of the gene pool are we likely to see less people who are likely to do this? What happens when you then invite millions into your lands from another country where such people have remained in the genepool for the last 1000 years??
***general good health. This one is harder to measure among a large population but if general good health starts to fail it will become VERY apparent to all!
***Number of people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol e.g. have addictive behavioural traits.
***Number of people who, through devotion and long hard work have learned a skill, art or craft that the average person cannot easily do.
***Finally, we might include beauty on this list though beauty is hard to measure objectively. I would say that without beauty in our lives, be it in architecture, managed nature or in ourselves, life soon turns into a wasteland of broken dreams! We should most definitely aspire to certain standards of beauty (at the very least, those standards that can be measured)
Do you think it might be a good idea if these measured markers were published before elections to see how well a government has done in these areas?? I can't talk about the kind of policies that would lead society toward one future or the other as facebook would ban me lol. Instead, I would suggest you look at some of the laws passed over the last 30 years and ask yourself - 'does this law help society move forward eugenically or disgenically? Also ask yourself why would ANY government EVER pass a law that encourages a society to move forward disgenically? With that answer you will know why this subject if is taboo!!! Think for yourselves!
