Odinism - a thought for the day
A big part of Odinism is that we look to the natural order for inspiration as to how we might live our lives more in balance with the world around us.
Even though we are part of the animal kingdom most humans think of themselves as seperate or above animals. Scholars often talk of humans being self aware and that we have developed speech and use tools etc etc when pondering the differences between man and beast.
When you give some thought to these 'differences' yourself you might want to look a little deeper? It could be said that a frog spends all day, every day of his life being a frog! In your observations of a frog you will see his focus is on undeniably frog like activities! A bear, spends his day catching salmon and eating tasty leaves as a side salad! Nothing in my observations of the natural world tells me that animals aspire to or want to be anything other than what they are. Whilst I cannot know what goes on inside their minds, I can say that if they did want to be something else it is not betrayed in their actions.
With humans on the other hand, 'envy' is at the core of who we are. From an early age we want to be like our parents or like a friend at school. Later, we often copy the behavior of some celebrity that we like. As we grow into adulthood we might want be like someone who has a skill or knowledge that we are envious of. We constantly drive ourselves to change into something different.
I would say that this is the main difference between mankind and the rest of animal kingdom. Sometimes, this drive to change is a force for good in our lives as it helps us evolve as people. Sometimes, not so much! People ask me why I am interested in Odinism? The main answer is that I desire to be myself! I aspire to live in balance with the world as it should be.
At the moment our lives are circular. We are not evolving as a people / society. Our countries are moving forward through time disgenically and it is not going to end well..... We will never evolve and rise up as the Gods inspire us to do until we become ourselves again. Odinism helps us do just that.
Admin Gary
(Picture New Forest deer South Coast England - photographer unknown)
