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My dream for a hof in Dorset

Folkish Odinism Dorset

Updated: May 2, 2024

I'll tell you all about a dream I keep having when Im half asleep and half awake.

From the country lane I walk through 2 large stone pillars and a sign saying Wodensvale Farm, past a carpark to the east and down a long road onto a large field from the north with several houses where families live behind some trees on the right. Further to the west I can see another large field with 10 houses and a gravel road connecting them.

Infront of the houses are 2 large fields. One of the fields has 2 long haired cows with grand horns upon their heads. I can see an old fashioned, inately carved wooden wagon in its own garage built next to a lean-to where the cows get feed and water. Our sacred cow is much beloved by all of the tribe and lives a beautiful life free from work. Occasionally, she will pull the small wagon which carries Ingvi Freyr's Statue about the farm during certain ceremonies. Children and adults alike stop by each day to talk to the cows and give them treats. they are sacred, beloved friends to us all. In the 2nd field which is twice the size of a football pitch a large flock of sheep wonder around munching on the long green grass.

Up ahead to the left there is a longhouse / hof on the eastern border of the field with an ancient forest behind it. That is where we perform sumble after blot to the Gods in our sacred grove and hold council meetings etc. The longhouse which we call The Great Hall is surrounded by a huge golden chain hung between carved marble pillars of which there are 2 on each side of the building each with a beautiful hanging basket of flowers in the English style. The roof is thatched and there are wooden beams on the corners of the building giving it an old world aesthetic but with the advantages of a modern construction. Above the front door 2 large oak beams cross at a point with horses heads carved at the end of each beam. The door is a large double door constructed of oak and iron. There is a small sign next to the door saying no weapons or mobile phones allowed! Inside the long house there are rustic tables and benches with a fireplace on one wall and a stage at the far end. Standing upon the stage are huge Godpoles of Woden, Thor and Ingvi Freyr. The walls are decorated with ancient weapons, shields and artifacts belonging to our folks heritage.

On the southern border of the field is a huge ancient burial mound (barrow) 30 meters high with a stone walled spring. Attached to the spring is a large altar stone that has a bowl shape carved into it big enough for a horse to lay in with a large copper fire bowl/pitt sitting in the middle. Near the burial mound to the west is a huge old oak tree named the Thunraz Oak. It is surrounded by an old fashioned natural stone wall. The wall has 3 breaks in it at equal lengths apart where 3 wooden benches sit. There is a rustic moss covered face on 3 sides of the oak infront of the benches to represent the tripartate soul. Leading up to the Funnraz Oak from near to the entrance is an avenue of 6 standing stones each 15 ft high above ground. The last stone near the sacred Oak has a large hole in it big enough for a person to go through.

In front of the burial mound is garden of mostly miniature evergreens shaped into a maze where we hold hand fasting, naming ceremonies, coming of age oaths, funerals and other sacred events. There are benches to sit on. The burial mound is used for all the tribe to bury their ashes when they die, making it a place of power for our folk. Set asie in the field before the benches and maze is a huge stone firepit where we have social outdoor events with benches and tables around it.

Just past the long house is a sunken path called Friggs Holloway leading into the forest. As you walk along the wide path it is surrounded by Oak, Ash and Yew trees on both sides which all bend over creating a tunnel of trees. At the end of the path it opens out onto a huge clearing covered in lush green grass and surrounded by oak trees. The clearing is big enough for 150 people but more could stand in the woods if they wanted to. At the end of the clearing is a stream and 3 huge standing stones which are 15ft above the ground and 8ft wide. Below the standing stones is a smaller stone altar for blot with a bowl shape carved into the stone for blood and fire. The stream is wide and moves fast with a small waterfall near to the stones. The stones become covered in moss as they age but you can still just make out what almost looks like a face in each stone. It's strange, you have to look at it twice to see if your eyes are playing tricks on you. Is that a face or does the stone just naturally look like that? Behind the clearing is a grass covered embankment which is covered in bluebells and daffodyls.

I don't know how to make it happen but I guess we all have to have a dream..... :-)

Admin Gary



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