I was asked today if cremation or burial is best for an Odinist. Here is an extract from an academic paper on this subject siting text from one of the sagas in quotes. The paragraphs after the """" are my own thoughts.
"""""""""""We know from the Ynglinga Saga (Chapter Io) that Othin instituted the custom of cremation and ordained that all dead men should be burned on a pyre, and other Germanic comments make it clear that such a burning was a sacrifice to Othin. In harmony with this belief, we find in England that the location of the cremation sites in the heathen cemeteries, pre 600, are particularly on hills, whence the smoke and spirit might go to Woden. They are mainly - and appropriately - in the north of the country - Thunor was worshipped more in the south - and it is in the Anglian area only that we find large scale cremation cemeteries.""""""""""
An ideal situation for my mind would be to see the head of a family living in a house that is always passed down to the next generation. In the garden of this house would be a standing stone with no more than the family name carved into it, designed and situated to last and be shielded from weather for many generations and near to a large tree. The deceased would be cremated a top of a hill at a common cremation site to honour Odin. Ashes would then be bought to the family house and spread about the ground around the standing stone.
Imagine how sacred this place would be to a family? that all of their ancestors ashes were spread at this stone. The family might meet in this garden to hold blot and honour their ancestors every month and during holy events. This practice would be an ideal way to bring family together at a sacred & spiritual place. It would emphasize how family is central to Odinism and indeed life itself.
Burial mounds would be for people who had lived heroic, noble lives. A burial mound would be rare, especially in these times of limited space.
When you read these words consider how the concept of family is under constant attack and decline in modern times. Odinism can guide us as a people back to the path if we want it enough. Gary
PS if you have any other thoughts please leave in the comments.
