The Kvinneby amulet was dug up in Sweden and is dated to the 10th or 11th century. It is an amulet with 143 runic inscriptions that translate as a solemn prayer to the Earth Goddess, referred to as 'Erka', 'Fold' and 'Undirgoð' (the god beneath) and her 'single son' Thor.
I here to Erka, the undergod of the world,
for me, Bófi, to save myself.
Earth, I am known to thee!
And may the lightning raiser help evil from Bófi.
May Þórr protect him with the hammer that smashes Ámr.
Go the sea, Ámr! Flee,
foul ill-wight! Get nothing from Bófi.
Gods are under him and over him.