A prayer to Freya given to me by a friend (author unknown)
Hail Freyja, Vanadis, I dream of my devotion to you,
Under your falcon wings And war-maiden’s shield.
You inspire me to make peace among my enemies.
Give me the courage to fight again
For if I am battle-slain in truth May my actions be worthy of your choosing.
May my hospitality be true And help me act in frith.
Inspire me to pay fairly
And to accept fairly what is my due.
Show me your just ways.
Hail Seidhkona, Holder of Magic and Keeper of Mysteries.
Teach me to see magic in all things.
That I may move between the veil,
May I glimpse in your forge of dreams
By Seidhr rune-wise and true as words from your tongue.
Hail Goddess of Beauty, Amber-laden Creatrix,
Mistress of Brisingamen.
Ignite within me the creative spark.
Help me to bring beauty Into my own deeds and all that I make.
May the fierceness of your eyes Lend me their keen awareness
That I might see none other Than your face before my work
Let me be ignited with Need-Fire,
your Will. Hail Freya!"