A few words about my favorite rune and why academics hate it. It continues to be a thorn in their side! The Ingwaz Rune.
Academics are forever droning on about how the Germanic runes may have been copied or heavily inspired from early Etruscan, Greek, Phoenician or Italic runes alphabets. They say this as it is not politically expedient for them to admit our Germanic ancestors could have developed literacy on their own. They always want to favor the more globalist ideas and peoples over those who were more tribalist in nature..........
The problem is that a rune / letter with an 'ng' 'ing' sound didn't exist in the mediterranean cultures. That sound came from the proto Germanic language that linguists say formed in or around what we call Denmark in the very aprox years 1500/500 BC. This tells us that at least some of the runes were created independently from foreign influences by speakers of the early Germanic languages. We also have to consider that the mediterranean alphabets / runes already had a letter / rune shaped just like the Ingwaz rune and it represented an entirely different sound. The 'O' sound because the diamond shape of the Ingwaz rune is a carved version of a circle.
The Author Spurkland (2005: 6) states that the 'ing' 'ng' ingwaz rune is one of the 12 Germanic runes whose forms are unknown in italic script and may therefore be owed to other influences or the runic alphabet inventors themselves. Think about that? 12 runes (half of the 24) are not similar to the latin alphabets yet they still insist the Germanic runes 'may' have been inspired by them? Again and again the Ingwaz rune refers to the God Ingvi / Ing/ Ingvi Freyr / Frey so it is more than likely that the rune was created directly from the Gods name. The Ingwaz rune referring to this God can be seen in Elder futhark, old Norse, Old English and icelandic. A truly divine rune, one might say? We might wonder why many texts would insist that knowledge of the runes came from Odin and several of the runes refer directly to ancient Germanic Gods if the runes were designed by foreign minds. As long as most academics continue to ignore the evidence for the runes being of Germanic origin i will continue to ignore so called academic papers on the subject!! A lack of evidence doesn't mean you can assume something because it supports your politics! It is better to keep an open mind.
Admin Gary

Thank you, Agree completely, am working on similar ideas, and would like to send you some info about an Artefact, which we believe to represent the Ingwaz Important and significant archaeological find, a mysterious anthropological esoteric symbol.
It was here, Sandane, Western Norway, just over 100 years ago, there was found, within an anthropological grave find, a tumulus (mound), to a local Early Viking chieftain. Buried 450-550 AD. An Ethnographic "Puzzle", named, in Norse, (Tankering) “circle of thought”. A small wooden object, carved out of a single piece of wood. A mysterious relic and artefact representing the Symbolique, or symbolic, and further as an example within its final form in culmination, a perfect state of Equilibrium.
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